Academy Overview
Workforce Deans Academy Objectives:
- Develop equity-minded leaders with the practical knowledge and skills to support quality workforce education and development across the community and technical college system
- Build a network among workforce leaders that will support continued collaboration and systemic change
- Foster an environment that supports meaningful, open, respectful, and courageous conversation and learning
Workforce Deans Academy Learning Outcomes:
- The participants will apply practical knowledge and skills to support quality workforce education and development across the CTC system.
- The participants will build a network of workforce leaders that supports continued collaboration and systemic change toward social justice and racial equity.
- The participants will engage in an environment that supports meaningful, open, respectful, and courageous conversation and learning.
- The participants will practice awareness and reflection of themselves as an equity-minded leader.
- The participants will create and implement a plan for personal and professional growth and development.
- Participants will describe the role of a workforce dean and reflect upon where they fit in workforce education
Leadership & Self-Knowledge
- Self-care and collective care
- Building relationships, supervising, screening/recruiting
- Leading change & decision making
- Change management
- Leadership in practice
Introduction to Workforce
- Historical perspectives of workforce education
- Overview of Washington workforce education system
- State Board for Community and Technical Colleges governance
Advocacy for Workforce Education
- Political climate & legislative affairs
Program assessment, development, and evaluation
- Aligning programs to economic development
- Collaborations and partnerships on- and off-campus
- Developing programs with data for student success
Funding Streams, Financing & Initiatives
- Managing and writing grants as a funding source
- Workforce programs, initiatives, & funding
“The Academy gave me the opportunity to step outside my comfort zone & push myself to be a better leader.”
Loyal Allen, Jr.
Associate Dean of Funding Services, Highline College
Academy Schedule
The 2024-2025 Workforce Deans Academy includes a mix of in-person and virtual/online training sessions:
- A short half-day virtual kick-off will be scheduled mid-October 2024.
- Three, in-person sessions held in the Sea-Tac area: November 7–8, 2024 (one night), February 12–14, 2025 (two nights), and May 21–22, 2025 (one night).
- Three single-day virtual sessions will be held December 2024, March 2025, and April 2025.
- One asynchronous virtual session will be held in January 2025.
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